
Thursday, March 17, 2011


Okay, where are my Parenthood lovers?

I usually try not to post about tv shows I watch, just because I am usually thinking, "Okay, what are my kids going to care about 20 years from now when they are looking back at this family album?" And usually the answer has nothing to do with the brain fluff I watch on tv.  However, I gotta say, Parenthood is not just brain fluff, and I am starting not to care so much about what my kids think I did 20 years from now.  Some posts have got to be for me, right?  Not to mention the fact that, in 20 years, if my kids even read my blog, they will probably not be shocked to learn that their mom watched rated R movies and had a sex life.  

Anyway, I love Parenthood, and unlike most of the frivolous brain candy I watch (Bachelor, American Idol), it really makes me think.
I posted something on Facebook about it a couple of weeks ago, how the show gets to my heart and makes me cry almost every time.  I love Mae Whitman's (Amber) style and the fact that she knits.  Mostly, I can feel where she's at with her dad, and really relate.  

The last couple of episodes have been about Adam Braverman's family, and how they cope with their son, Max's, autism (aspergers really).  
Not many people know this, but we actually had my oldest son tested for aspergers back in the fall.  It was a really scary time.  The doctor concluded that the tests were negative at this point, but he does have some personality tendencies in that direction.  For example, Elijah has a crazy good memory, and he has a tendency to fixate on one or two subjects and obsess about the facts surrounding those subjects (superheroes and geography).  At the same time, his weaknesses fall in the areas of coordination, penmanship, and social cues.  Right now, those things are minimal and just things we have to work on.  There are really too many qualities he possesses that are the opposite of a person with aspergers, to diagnose him.  

Nonetheless, I relate to what the Braverman's are going through.  
The thing I love most about the show is that no matter where you are in your stage of parenting, there is something for you.  And, while the Bravermans may not be the most functional family, (it's not really a place to get sound parenting advice), at the end of the day they all have each other's backs, and they all have a place to belong.  That is what I hope for my kids.  That they can just live, and know they can come home with their ups and downs, because they simply belong.   They belong to this family, to something bigger than themselves, they don't have to worry about what they do so much because they are loved just because they are.   So, check it out and enjoy:


  1. I am so in love with that show too! Ben and I both like it.
    I had no idea you went through that with Elijah. The Max story line is my favorite one. I used to work with Austic children and have a soft spot for children who struggle with it. I always thought - if my child has that, i will be fine because I understand what to do. But the truth of the matter is that it is harder when it is YOUR child. You never want them to have to face something that makes their walk through life more difficult than it has to be. Monica Potter's character, Kristine, does a great job of portraying the emotions of a mother. I cry nearly every week. I am happy to hear the tests came back negative. You are a great momma!

  2. Thanks Jamie. I had thought a lot about it, and honestly could get easily sucked into despair. You know, you hope for your kids to have relationships more than anything else in the world. I found the blog, Penelope's Trunk this morning and it helped me kinda picture what life looks like as an adult for someone with asp by not only reading her articles, but also her post comments. I haven't seen that on the show except through Andy the Bug Guy, and he seemed to have no relationships. Of course, this is the first season I have watched it. I can't wait for more new episodes.
