
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Reagan "Big Dog" Thompson April 18, 2001 - July 13, 2009

Reagan "Big Dog" Thompson, the former 200 pound Old English Mastiff, died Monday morning, July 13, 2009 in his yard in Birmingham, AL. He had experienced an unknown cancer, which combined with the heat of the Alabama summer, and his old age, took his life. It is difficult to know for sure, but his family believes the cancer was not a painful type, and that he did not suffer. He laid down peacefully by the back fence and went to sleep.

Reagie was very loved and appreciated. To some, his size made him an intimidating guard dog, but Reagan was an extraordinarily gentle friend who protected his mother when she was pregnant by simply standing long ways between she and other people, and protected his baby masters after they arrived claiming them as his own. He was the dearest friend to his master, Blake Thompson. He enjoyed playing with large balls, playing fetch with firewood, sit, down, roll over, and belly rubs, walking down to scare the neighbors on occasion, and eating left-overs and dog food, pretty much anything but asparagus and corn on the cob (which he would swallow whole).

Reagan was laid to rest beneath the trees of his outlying property Monday night and a service of prayers and memories commenced led by his master, Blake Thompson. Following, the family decorated the grave with flowers, a stone made by Mom, and Reagan's favorite ball.
"Big Dog" is survived by his humans Blake, Brook, Elijah, Judah, and Zion, and his sisters Meredith and Fontana.

Reagan "Big Dog" Thompson's life was not filled with much adventure. Although he was able to live in 3 homes and go to the veteranarian occasionally when he was younger (the vet usually came to him due to his size), his life was definately filled with what matters...drool, stool, leftovers, and love. He will be missed.

1 comment:

  1. RIP Big Dog...sounds like he was a great dog who lived with a loving family and ran a happy life.
