
Friday, July 31, 2009

Weekend check list...

The boys are visiting with Pops this weekend in Huntsville, which means that we have an exhuberant amount of things to check off our to-do list. Here it is:
1. (Blake) Build wall and replace water-damaged wood in the garage...
2. (Brook) Paint dresser...
3. (Blake) Finish Elijah's window seat...
4. (Brook) Paint trim in sunroom and dining room...
5. (Blake) Patch ceiling from light instalation...
6. (Brook) Sew flag banner from quilt scraps...
7. (Blake) Clean out and organize garage...
8. (Brook) Take pictures for portfolio...
9. (Blake) Pressure wash the driveway...
10. (Brook) Help Mother get ready for yard sale...
11. (Blake) Mow...
12. (Brook) Laundry...

Wish us luck! Have a good weekend...

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Jillian choses Ed...Cute alert!

Thats it folks! I can't wait to see tonights 'after the rose' but I am thrilled for Jillian and Ed! They are too cute! Too real! Too authentic! And too perfect for each other! I just hope it lasts now. Yea!

other favorite moments:

This is the most endearing scene of Ed. He is drunk and he is halarious. This is exactly how men should act drunk...hahahhaha...

skip all the agony of Reid leaving and get to the 'hot gut region' on the very last of this one...

AND You gotta love some outtakes...

Monday, July 27, 2009

My House Monday

This is whats on my dining room table right now, mostly because I am gathering things for my sisters wedding, and I dried some blue hydrangeas. Anyway, whats on yours?

Flashback Photo Friday

Since we were on the subject of Cullman. My flahback today comes from my own varsity blues. See if you can spot me...
Back in Black 1998.

Top 10 Places I would Live...

I have only ever lived in Alabama (except for 3 short months in KC in high school), but I often dream of what it would be like to live in other places. Our Pops calls it 'feeding the rabbits' in reference to Of Mice and Men, which I like. In thinking about a top 10, I am surprised at just how picky I am when it comes to places I could call home. Granted, I could live just about anywhere with a lake and a mountain view. I can see myself a city girl and a country girl, as well as a small town girl. But, when I have to pick some dream locales for me, it is difficult to think of anywhere else I would actually love to live besides Alabama. I love my state. I think it's beautiful, the people are good and predictable, and its simple and slow-paced for the most part (which is something I value more everyday). But, just in case someone ever forces me to choose somewhere else, here's what I'm thinking...

10. Some European Historical...London, for example. I could feel like I lived in the center of the world somewhere like that. Madrid, Paris, etc. I am pretty sure I could look at the architecture and history surrounding me every day and not get tired of it. I could give it a try anyway

9. Somewhere European country setting, say Tuscany. In my mind, even the dirt is beautiful over there.

8. The hermit part of me thinks I could wake up looking at the horizon in Montana and not be too upset. I love to fish, so I think I could give the rainbow trout a run for their money.

7. Strangely enough, if you ask my mother, family, and friends where I always wanted to move to growing up, it was Boston. We grew up going to New York, which I loved but always knew it would swallow me whole or make me phobic of something, so Boston somehow seemed comparable and even better. I get the Brownstones plus the history and a little more space. I still have never been to Boston, but in my mind, it has everything a city girl needs.

6. Okay. Finally we embark on reality as we enter my domain...the south. And speaking of architecture and history. Have you been to Charleston? Its got it all! The beauty, the charm, the history (the pricetag), the small town feel with everything you need going on, the art, the ghosts... Ah, just show me the money, and I'm there.

6. Have I ever mentioned that I love Dolly Parton? Funny, but true. And if theres one thing she and I have in common, its our chest size (hehe) and our love of the Tennessee Smokey mountains. Mountain view (check), Wide open spaces (check), beauty (check), and right in the heart of the south (check). The cons would be the football team, although orange is growing on me these days, and the fact that it gets a little lonesome. Thats why there is a #6 tie between a Tennesse mountain farm and Charleston.

4. But an Alabama farm, now thats a different story. There is just too big a smile that comes to my face when I think about my boys running free, learning to drive a tractor, and riding horses into the sunset. Right now today, being a country girl sounds more appealing than being a city girl. Now, send me back to Charleston and I might change my mind, but atleast here in Alabama I get to keep my family close by, and theres just no price tag you can put on that.

3. But, I do love Chattanooga! Its got the city, but also the mountains and the river! There's also the fact that my youngest son asks me every day, "when are we going to go back to Rock City?" homes in alabama, but it's only like a 3 hour drive back to Bham, and somehow, it just feels like it wants to be my home.

2. Birmingham is not my favorite city in the world, but I do like it an awful alot, plus this is where I find all those people that really make a place home. But, since this wonderful city has kinda been chosen for me, wouldn't it be nice, God, if I could live in the most beautiful part of it (again)...Mt. Brook. English Village to be exact. That way, I could atleast pretend I live somewhere exciting. ;)

Because that was a bit of harsh humor, I just wanted to mention that where I live is great too...
Absolutely great. Really. And I would miss it terribly if I ever went anywhere else. Don't you think?

1. My dreams are elsewhere. My homes in Alabama. My heads in Bham, but I left my heart somewhere an hour north. My home town. Cullman. How funny is it knowing that I couldn't wait to get out of there, there's no reason I want to be there, and yet every time I drive through downtown, my heart aches with the old dreams of raising my babies right there in that place. Oh. If I could just get my heart to behave. I gotta stop listening to those damn country songs.

Thursday, July 23, 2009


Come on, there is no denying this is a cool website. It lets you be a graphic, fashion, and interior designer all in a simple click.

Find me on Polyvore

Monday, July 20, 2009

My House Monday

Since it's Monday, I thought I'd share something in my house. Just. because. I guess.
This is my guest room that right now is doubling as a sewing room. However, Rae has been doing a whole lot more sewing in here than I have. She just finished her curtains for Aleza's room, which look great, and I have to remember to take a pic of them to show. Anyway, I really gotta get on the curtains for those winders right theya. Hope your Monday was great, and thanks for stopping by. -Brooklyn

Friday, July 17, 2009

Flashback Photo Friday

This flashback photo is of my little brother, Matt, and myself. It is dedicated to my wonderful friend and neighbor, Steph, who will be having her twins this morning. We were not twins (God knew I was far too independant for that), but I am so excited to meet the new Mallory girls and introduce them into our big family of Alabama small-towners. They are gonna be so cute and so loved, and I know Brett and Stephanie will never do that spike hair thing like my mom did to me in this pic.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Home Offices

I just found out today that our old (big) desk top computer is coming home suped up with extra ram and a flat screen, so my first thought, of course, is 'where'm I gonna put that thing?' hmmmm.....

I know. I know. Apartment Therapy is old news. But, being one to resist what's popular, I have avoided it until now. This morning I found a great House Tour, Solar Powered Shack in the UK on a farm, on the beach. What could be more right with that sentence. Feast your eyes a bit:

House Tour: Helen & Frazer's Solar Powered Beach Shack Isle of Wight, United Kingdom

I don't know why. I just happen to think the British flag is extremely handsome.

I could wake up to this every morning for sure.

This ain't too shabby either.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Reagan "Big Dog" Thompson April 18, 2001 - July 13, 2009

Reagan "Big Dog" Thompson, the former 200 pound Old English Mastiff, died Monday morning, July 13, 2009 in his yard in Birmingham, AL. He had experienced an unknown cancer, which combined with the heat of the Alabama summer, and his old age, took his life. It is difficult to know for sure, but his family believes the cancer was not a painful type, and that he did not suffer. He laid down peacefully by the back fence and went to sleep.

Reagie was very loved and appreciated. To some, his size made him an intimidating guard dog, but Reagan was an extraordinarily gentle friend who protected his mother when she was pregnant by simply standing long ways between she and other people, and protected his baby masters after they arrived claiming them as his own. He was the dearest friend to his master, Blake Thompson. He enjoyed playing with large balls, playing fetch with firewood, sit, down, roll over, and belly rubs, walking down to scare the neighbors on occasion, and eating left-overs and dog food, pretty much anything but asparagus and corn on the cob (which he would swallow whole).

Reagan was laid to rest beneath the trees of his outlying property Monday night and a service of prayers and memories commenced led by his master, Blake Thompson. Following, the family decorated the grave with flowers, a stone made by Mom, and Reagan's favorite ball.
"Big Dog" is survived by his humans Blake, Brook, Elijah, Judah, and Zion, and his sisters Meredith and Fontana.

Reagan "Big Dog" Thompson's life was not filled with much adventure. Although he was able to live in 3 homes and go to the veteranarian occasionally when he was younger (the vet usually came to him due to his size), his life was definately filled with what matters...drool, stool, leftovers, and love. He will be missed.