
On the 12th Day...

Blake was finally off of work, and we actually just had a relaxing day at home. I burned CDs that were my Christmas gift to Elijah, Blake piddled around the house and played with the boys. Then that evening we went to Nana's and Papa's house for our traditional Christmas Eve dinner: bolied shrimp, sandwhiches and desserts galore, Nana's congealed salad and Christmas punch. This year was a little differnt. Usually, the entire family shows up and we open gifts, but this year, with Nana and Papa (especially) in bad health, we just focused on each other. It was a close, sweet evening, the same one I have been celebrating all 28 years of my life, but somehow this year was different. Maybe it will be the last, I don't know, but if so, it was a joy, and I will always remember how precious the time with Nana and Papa has always been.

Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the House

Not one creature stirred that night, not even Reagie Dog.
The cookies and milk were set with delight

The stockings were there, hung just right

Will Santa Claus come, the wondering hearts thought

we shall see in the morning just what he brought...

On the 11th Day of Christmas...

Precious Sarah Grace watched the boys while I went to do last minute shopping...
And we made cookies for Santa with Granna, Papaw, and Uncle Matt...